My Summer In Photos

One of my favorite summer memories is the day my mom and I took a day trip into Manhattan. We shopped in the morning, ate at Chipotle for lunch, walked through central park, and stopped at a 24 hour dinner on the drive home to get dessert. Here's my mom standing outside of central park. 

My mom and I rested at the Chess and Checkers House in Central Park (a place we'd never been to.) The "House" was outdoors and round. Chess tables lined the circumference.

Towards the end of the summer my grandparents from Macon, GA came to visit. I hadn't seen them in two years, and the visit brought me a lot closer to both of them (especially my grandma.) I took this on the last night of their visit.

When I wasn't working, my typical summer day was usually spent with Mollie. On Wednesday afternoons we usually went to the park. Here is Mollie and I as we lay on the slides; she's knitting while I sing along to songs on her iPod.